105 CJVR loves to give free stuff out to our listeners! Concerts, Cash, new rides and so much more. Make it easy to win! Join our VIP CLUB! All you have to do is click the link below, fill out the form and hit “Submit” and that’s it! Visit often to see what great contest we have coming up next exclusively for our VIP club members
Click Here to Sign Up!

Fuelling Your Fridays
Prairie North Co-op & 105 CJVR want to help fill up your tank with Fuelling Your Friday! We're giving away a $25 Co-op Fuel Gift Card weekly.

Prairie North Co-op Diesel Giveaway!
Prairie North Co-op & 105 CJVR are Fuelling Your Farm! You could win 1000 litres of premium diesel, delivered right to your farm.

CJVR Birthday Bash
It’s the Birthday Bash on 105 CJVR!
Do you or someone you know have a birthday coming up? Get a special message to that person on the 105 CJVR Morning Show during the Birthday Bash weekdays at 7:40am! We're happy to welcome Golden Grain Bakery LTD

Over/Under Contest
Fedusiak Funeral Chapel and Crematorium's Over/Under Contest
Are you ready to play, Mustangs fans?