Where Did These New Phone Rules Come From?
Great-great-granddaughter of Emily Post and co-president of the Emily Post Institute, Lizzie Post inherited the 100-year family business of teaching others to be courteous and considerate.
A few basic phone rules have been rewritten by Lizzie to accommodate modern times. Here are five of Lizzie’s new rules that I’ve highlighted after reviewing them. Each rule will be followed by my thoughts.
Take a look at the Five New Rules of the Phone for 2023 and see if you agree
1- Always text before calling
To avoid being caught in a sticky spot or someone rejecting your phone call, modern-day etiquette dictates that you should always text someone before calling. Before calling someone, text them a few minutes before you plan on calling to see if they’re available right now, or if they can suggest another time.
Thank you for reminding me of this rule after 20 years of breaking it daily.
2- You Can Refuse To Pick Up A Call Without Guilt
Phone etiquette doesn’t just apply to the sender. The receiver is also subject to some rules. In the event that someone calls you at an inconvenient time, it is your responsibility to not pick up.
Lizzie Post, an etiquette expert, says, “We all have control over our phones and can decide when to answer.”. Think about who’s at fault when someone interrupts you. It was you who answered the call when you shouldn’t have.’
The text box can say ‘I’ll call you back in a while’ if you don’t want to appear rude.
(This rule i am REALLY good at but I ALWAYS forget to do the actual calling back part.)
3- The Speakerphone Is Not For Public Use
Public use of the speaker button should be avoided to avoid disturbing others.
If you’re on a call, whether it’s a voice call, a video call, or even a smartwatch call, use good-quality headphones or wait until later.
It’s happened to me more than once that men use speaker phones while standing next to me at the urinal! Could this be true?
4- Voice Your Emotions, Text The Facts
It is advisable to call before discussing anything that involves emotions or thoughts and to text when only facts need to be conveyed.
Observing this rule would prevent a lot of arguments.
5- No Voicemails In 2023
Those who rely on answering machines may be disappointed with this rule, but voicemails are a thing of the past. Today, a wide variety of text messaging apps make it easier to communicate important information.